from Van Hise
To Dean Health Plan
This post has nothing to do with a book, but I am about to embark on a new adventure! Maybe an insignificant experience last week while visiting Maureen at UW Hospital was some sort of omen.
I was departing the elevator on my way to Maureen's room when a man I did not know greeted me. "Good morning, doctor." It was such a brief and unexpected encounter, I just responded with a "good morning" in return and chuckled to myself.
I have no idea why he assumed I was a doctor but maybe a dress shirt and tie is typical MD attire these days. Despite my lack of medical training, I will soon begin working for Dean Health Plan, resuming my long history with health communications. I'll be an editor and writer for four magazines, in addition to other new media duties. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dean, it's among the largest physician-owned practices in the U.S. The Dean office (above right) is less than two miles from our house! I will not miss the parking challenges of campus.
My brush with educational communications at UW System will conclude two months early to accept this new opportunity. And I can't say enough about my current boss Heather LaRoi and her colleagues at UW System. True professionals. Thank you for the chance to learn and work with you on behalf of President Ray Cross. The hurdles are many for those on the 17th floor, but you are all up to the challenge.
I will miss these new co-workers almost as much as the close proximity to Babcock Hall ice cream, Union South and climbing those 17 flights for exercise. But most of all, I'll miss Donut Day! (At the Wisconsin Medical Society, ironically, every day was Donut Day!)
Thanks to Dave Giroux and Ray for their interest in bringing me to UW System and to my new boss, Mary Carr Lee, for encouraging me to take a closer look at the Dean Health Plan job, which is closely suited to my interests, skills and abilities.
I start a week from Monday.
Nobody will call me "doctor" at Dean, but I will enjoy working with and for physicians again.